When you become a part of the 'Polaris Family', it's a relationship that will last a lifetime. We will always be by your side to guide and assist you at every stage of your progression through your career in aviation. We are here to help.
We will
empower you and ensure your success.
Excellence in every dimension is not only our core value but also our core strength.
With well over 20,000 hours of flying between us, we are qualified flight intructuctors (QFIs / TRIs) from the world of military aviation as well as commercial airlines, with proven reputations in knowledge and teaching abilites. We will personally conduct all classes to ensure your learning and progression are gauranteed.
Whenever you think of 'Polaris', think of 'end to end solutions'. ?From the time you dream of a career in civil aviation to helping you ace your TRI assessments, we have the necessary capability and expertise to be your guiding light and help you navigate successfully throughout your aviation journey.
Private Pilot License
Commercial Pilot License
Airline Transport Pilot License
Airline Induction / Orientation Prep.
Cadet Pilot Program Prep.
Command Upgrade Prep.
Trainer Upgrade Prep.
The first question that may come up in the mind of a budding pilot or his guardians, is usually a concern regarding the qualities and capabilities of the instructors who shall be teaching them. We believe this concern is warranted, as a fair amount of time and money is invested in the process of obtaining the necessary qualifications in order to become a professionally competent pilot in the world of civil aviation.Therefore let us introduce our Instructors, all of whom are qualified flight Instructors (TRIs & SFIs) from military and commercial aviation with over 20,000 hours of flying experience between them with proven reputations in knowledge and teaching abilites. You could not be in better hands!
We believe that learning is about understanding in depth. We ensure what is taught is retained as knowledge. Knowledge that will last a life time. Knowledge which will stand the test of time and give you the power to outperform others. Knowledge which will make you stand out amongst all. The intent of our teaching philosophy is to ensure our students gain such knowledge. Scoring good marks in exams is therefore a logical outcome.
After all 'Knowledge is Power'.
Aviation is an unforgiving environment. While modern day aircraft are highly reliable, it is the 'human in the loop' which is the weak link. A large number of issues aircrew face during their careers are a result of gaps in essential knowledge, which can usually be traced back to a weak foundation in theoretical knowledge developed upwards from the very first stages of training. Our vast experience in the world of commercial avaition tells us that a large number of aircrew face such issues due to the style in which they were instructed and their outlook towards this essential knowledge when they are preparing for their CPL / ATPL licenses.
While each budding pilot devotes a lot of time and money towards preparing for the CPL / ATPL examinations, the ingrained 'rote' style of learning which is focussed on the short term goal of just passing the forthcoming examination, results in a gradual loss of this 'short term learning', with serious consequences in the future. A weak foundation in ground subjects also results in aircrew lacking self confidence, which usually surfaces when they need to upgrade from a CPL licence to an ATPL licence and for every further upgrade to becoming a Line Training Captain / Instructor / Examiner. As aircrew get more and more involved with line flying and their own personal lives, the time available to make up for these gaps in essential knowledge reduces considerably and usually results in stagnation in their careers.
To avoid such issues, our focus is to provide a learning environment that is tailored to the indivdual needs of our students. We explain each and every subject / topic in an easy to understand manner, breaking down complex concepts to easier portions for deeper understanding and thus longer retention. As our intention is to impart knowledge that will last a long time, we remain focussed on building a rock solid foundation of knowledge for our students. Our technique of instruction and knowledge re-enforcement proves this fact.