Its Just Not An ATPL Examination, You Are Preparing To Become A Captain !
When its time to upgrade to becoming a Captain, remember, you are now to be assessed for higher competency standards to ensure that you have the necessary knowledge, experience and expertise to tanglibly exhibit the capabilities of a Pilot-In-Command, a person who is now responsible and accountable for the aircraft he/she is to operate with full authority.
A Refresher Is Necessary Due to Our Peculiar Circumstances
It is a known fact that the working environment and online flying schedules considerably reduce the time and effort that aircrew can devote towards maintaining their levels of knowledge. Dedicated and focussed teaching from qualified instructors from the field can greatly aid in alleviating this problem. Our instructors are more than qualified for this task.
Remember, The Examination Includes an Oral Test
The ATPL examination is a prerequisite for this. At the time of this examination, you are to be tested for greater depth and span of knowledge. Knowledge that may have eroded over time. The examination includes an oral test by the regulator to probe deeper into the capabilities of the candidate, who is not only viewed from the perspective of a person just taking an examination but also from the point of view of a person who is working up to being a Pilot-In-Command.
At Last, Have All Your Doubts Cleared
Our ATPL theory classes will run concurrently with our CPL classes, thus ensuring that even the most basic of doubts are amply cleared and to ensure that you have a rock solid foundation of knowledge. The classes will contain the extra depth and span needed and will have extra time devoted to clearing your doubts.
Learn How Theory is Applied in the Real World
Our ATPL course is especially designed not only to refresh your knowledge on the ground studies essential for aircrew, but also designed to enhance your knowledge on many practical aspects of applying that knowledge in your daily operations. This will add the 'critical' ingredient that will make you into a competent Pilot-In-Command. The classes will also include subjects which fall under the category of 'special operations'.
Undergo Preparation In a Rigorous Enviroment that Matches What You Will Face
The theory classes will be supplemented by rigourous oral testing by our instructors who have previous experience of conducting such oral examinations with DGCA. These personalised instructional sessions are focussed to ensure all your doubts are answered, so that there are no gaps in your knowledge and put you through the paces of the environment that you will face when appearing for the oral examination with DGCA. These sessions are designed to ensure you are able to retain and exhibit your knowledge during the oral examination, so that you visibly display that you have the necessary qualities of a future Pilot-In-Command.